Future of Education

for Changemakers aged 11-19

From climate change to AI and new work - our world is undergoing a radical change.

To meet the challenges of the 21st century, we must transform education. So a team of artists, entrepreneurs, scientists, tech and education experts have come together to design the school of the future. In year 2020 it started with xschool.io and now we make our program accessible for anyone anywhere.

Welcome to X School Online

X School is an accredited online school following the UK curriculum with internationally recognised degrees (GCSE and A Level) for changemakers aged 11-19.

X School Concept

100+ studies • 10+ surveys • 30+ observations • 50+ experts • 10+ partnerships

A new era of education – 21st century competencies meet 21st century pedagogy, using AI to create truly personalised learning journeys for everyone everywhere. 

Our 6 Key Elements

Learn Life

At the heart of our philosophy lies a commitment to bridging the gap between school and life. We offer an education that is about preparing students to thrive in a complex, ever-evolving global society while achieving academic excellence earning an accredited degree.

AI Empowered Personalisation

Schools lack the resources to provide truly personalised education. With the advent of AI for the first time we can capture and organise a complex set of data, helping our pedagogues to create personalised learning journeys, tailored to the unique potential and needs of each learner.

21st Century Pedagogy

Our program is rooted in active, critical and relevant learning through problem based projects with extracurricular experts, rituals of well-being and real life challenges. By integrating cutting-edge technology, interdisciplinary hybrid learning and systematic journaling X-School is at the forefront of evidence based pedagogy.

Emerging Tech

In an age of AI, robotics and digitality, embracing high tech is fundamental to our educational approach. We believe it is crucial for students to not only understand but actively shape the digital future. Our focus is on a mindful and meaningful use, ensuring emotional and social well-being.

Coaching & Mentoring

All students are connected with a coach guiding them in their personal and academic development. Mentors, drawn from specialised fields, are assigned to foster the development of each student's potential. This tailored approach ensures guidance that is directly relevant to unique talents, aspirations and learning needs.

Global Community

Students collaborate with peers, experts and companies from around the world. We create a place where all people belong and learn to navigate ambiguity, resolve conflicts, and relate beyond national, social, and religious identities. The 21st century curriculum is a global curriculum, and the 21st century classroom is a global classroom.

Real Life Challenge

Public Speaking

Students perform a stand up comedy/debate/talk in their city's open stage or in front of an international online crowd.

Prolem Based Project

Eco-Village Design

Students create a model sustainable community, applying math, science, and social studies to solve challenges in renewable energy and resource management.

Well-being Ritual

Yoga Session

Begin each day with guided exercises to enhance focus and emotional balance, setting a positive tone for academic and personal activities.

Real Life Challenge

24h Pitch

Students struggle for 24 hours, day and night, to create a business idea to pitch directly to a panel of investors.

Problem Based Project

What is money and how do I deal with it?

Students tackle real-world financial literacy, engage in critical discussions about the history, value and management of money, and address practical questions like saving, investing, and ethical spending.

Lessons for Parents

Digital Fluency Workshop

Digital Fluency for Families is a workshop aimed at bridging the digital gap between parents and children, covering key topics like internet safety and online ethics to promote safe and responsible digital interactions for families.


360 Feedback

Post-project, students receive comprehensive feedback from peers, teachers, parents and self-assessment to reflect and grow from the collaborative experience.

What makes the difference?


The X-School is open to people of all worldviews, nationalities, and religions, regardless of their social status. It is important that the parents trust their children and their abilities to learn in a self-determined way.

No. Behind the X-School are many different people with different religions and diverse life stories. That is why we want to be open to all people who want to learn together with us. Together we will also talk about our differences and learn to recognize and accept them.

We offer different ways to maximise social interaction:

  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) to create immersive learning experiences across linguistic/cultural/identity barriers

  • Regularly scheduled one-on-one sessions between students and teachers

  • Group projects and peer-review assignments to foster student-to-student interactions

  • Collaborations with local organisations for practical experiences

  • Offline challenges for the students

  • An offline camp each term (always in different countries)

We recognise that while online schooling presents its own unique challenges, many parents find that its benefits far exceed these hurdles. To support parents who choose our online school, we ensure there's an abundance of resources at their disposal. We provide an educational framework that empowers parents to tailor their child's learning to their individual needs and interests, akin to the personalised nature of homeschooling. Our platform keeps parents updated on their child's progress and offers direct communication with educators. Additionally, we facilitate workshops and webinars that address common challenges and share strategies for enhancing the home learning environment. For example we offer:

  • Instructor Network, Integrating/Coaching local instructors

  • School for parents (lifelong learning)

  • Mentoring Program

  • Coaching

X-School Online is rooted in the pedagogy of the award winning offline X-School network. X-School started in Germany and is consulting innovative schools around the world. As international demand from educators and families got overwhelming, we decided to bring the education program online to make our education accessible for anyone anywhere. For more information on X-School please check the website xschool.io.

Secure a place

  • Lower Secondary School (recommended age: 11-14) - accredited certificate
  • Middle Secondary School (recommended age: 14-16) - GCSE
  • Upper Secondary School (recommended age: 16-19) - A Level

Your entry on the waitlist is for our internal planning and is completely non-binding for you.

Interested? Get more information

Leave us your name and email and we will send you further information.

Ready to revolutionise learning?

Please contact us for partnership opportunities.


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